Video: Adopting a people centred approach: Outer Island Communities in FSM leading the way with water security

Like other Pacific Island nations, FSM is at the forefront of the climate crisis, with the effects of climate change compounding the already difficult task of providing safe drinking water to outer island communities, particularly during severe droughts.

To address this pressing issue, communities living in the outer islands of Chuuk State – Polowat, Pulusuk, and Pulap – have taken an active role in designing, installing, and maintaining water security measures. Since 2019, the European Union-funded Global Climate Change Alliance Plus – Scaling up Pacific Adaptation project has been working with national agencies and partners in FSM to enhance the water security sector in outer islands, benefiting more than 3000 people.

The GCCA+ SUPA Project’s scaling-up efforts are based on a PLANET checklist that prioritizes maximum inclusion, equitable benefits, and sustainability. PLANET represents Participation, Link to rights, Accountability, Non-discrimination, Empowerment, and Transforming social norms. In Polowat, Pulusuk, and Pulap, the project adopted a participatory and inclusive community-driven approach, enabling greater engagement with local people in the decision-making process through consultations and implementation. These consultations helped inform the selection of community shelters and buildings for the installation and upgrading of rainwater harvesting systems, ensuring that the project meets the needs and priorities of the people it serves.

