The Global Climate Change Plus Scaling Up Pacific Adaptation (GCCA+ SUPA) Project 4th Steering Committee Meeting will be a hybrid meeting connecting representatives from the 10 implementing countries, the Delegation of the European Union for the Pacific (EUD), SPREP, USP, and SPC on the 28th and 29th of September 2022.


Meeting Objectives


·       Review of progress, presentation of the overall work plan and closure plans

·       Output 1 – Strategic planning: Present the results of the application of the extended and light versions of the impact assessment methodology and the design of the impacts database.

·       Output 2 – Capacity building: Explore the role of capacity building for community stakeholders and local area governments.

·       Output 3 – Scaling up on-the-ground measures: Examine how the GCCA+ SUPA activities in the ten countries are laying the foundation for scaling up in the future

Meeting Materials

Meeting Agenda


SPREP Steering Committee Meeting Videos

Palau: Institutionalization of the Impact Assessment Methodology & use of Impact Indicators

Video highlights efforts geared towards building resiliency and how different
agencies learn and view the potential of the methodology to enhance their
programme of work at national and state level.

Tonga National Climate Change Awareness Week

This video highlights activities carried out during the National Climate Change Awareness Week in in various locations in the Kingdom of Tonga on 18th – 23rd September 2022. 

Cook Islands: Strong advocacy on importance of Ra’ui by traditional leaders

Video highlights the important role of traditional leadership and the mana of ra’ui. A case of local indigenous knowledge contributing to tangible on-the-ground actions by the Pa Enua, Mangaia and reflections from the training on the light version tools of the impact methodology.

Guide to the Adaptations Database

Video is a first guide to the impact database under construction with input of data
from the trial of impact analysis methodology with tailored tools for each sector type:
Cook Islands: Marine resource management and water security measures, Mangaia.
FSM: Water security measures on atoll Nukuoro.
Palau: Water security and agricultural measures, state level.
Tonga: Structural coastal protection measures, Tongatapu.

Latest Publications

Scaling Up Pacific Adaptation Video Series

RMI National Climate Change and Health Policy and Revised Action Plan

SOASOA/VUNIVAU/BASOGA Integrated Watershed Management Plan

SPREP SUPA Snapshot Impacts Cook Islands

SPREP SUPA Snapshot Impacts FSM

SPREP SUPA Snapshot Impacts Tonga

SPREP SUPA Snapshot Impacts Palau